

Out of sight, out of mind. Not for your electrical systems at home, though.

Should you bother? Most electrical systems are hidden from plain sight. As a result, we hardly ever think about them unless there’s a problem. By then, a simple fault may cause major damage which can lead to serious problems. At the very least, it can result in increased energy consumption. If left unchecked, it can lead to unwanted and dangerous incidents putting you and your family at risk.

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What Electrical services do We offer

Can you imagine a day without electricity? Sounds scary, right? We are here to help you with all electrical issues when they occur, from a sudden electricity outage to a regular electrical maintenance.

General electrical maintenance

General electrical maintenance includes conducting on-site inspections, testing for short circuits, and identifying and diagnosing any wiring problems that may cause future problems, such as malfunctioning or fire hazards.

Electrical Upgrades

Electrical upgrades are necessary for safety or if your system no longer meets your family's power needs. We can check, replace and/or upgrade fuses, circuit boards, electrical cords, sockets, switches, outlets, or any other electrical components.


Electrical installations can be a tricky and potentially dangerous job. Our highly experienced electricians can install a variety of fixtures and appliances that may need to be installed into your home, safely and securely.

Why should I get electrical maintenance done?

If you got the know-how, you can do the routine checks yourself. For the majority of homeowners, however, it’s best to leave it to professionals. Our team is highly qualified in preventing, diagnosing, and fixing any electrical issues in your household.


Safety precautions should not be taken for granted. This is because electrical faults and malfunctioning switches can be a sign of bigger issues that can put you and your family at risk. Routine electrical maintenance can go a long way in preventing this.

Save Money

Home maintenance can help ensure your electrical systems are performing efficiently. Without it, household appliances are prone to using more energy than is necessary. Regular preventive checks nip this in the bud and save you money in the long run.

Increased Efficiency

Electricity is a vital lifeline of a home. Untimely downtimes and interruptions from electrical issues and repairs can be costly and frustrating. Home maintenance not only increases energy efficiency but ensures peace of mind while optimizing your budget.

Let's Switch it

It may be a spontaneous power outage, maybe a sudden short circuit while toasting your morning breakfast, or perhaps your TV’s electrical socket stops working, and you miss out on a pleasant Netflix & chill experience. Here’s how we can help:

UVR Replacement

What’s an undervoltage release unit? Well, to put it bluntly, it’s what keeps your fuse box from short circuiting by tripping them if they happen to fall between 70 and 35 percent. Here’s how we replace it: Turn off the miniature circuit breaker and photograph the wiring. Replace the faulty UVR with the brand new one. After 5min we turn the miniature circuit breaker back on and wait on the UVR to connect to the power supply. Once the connection is successful, our job is completed.

Switch Socket Replacement

Light switch ain’t working? Here’s how we replace it: We turn off the miniature circuit breaker for safety. Don’t want to end up like Electro. We unscrew the cover and switch the socket with the new fitting, making sure they’re firm and tight. We screw the cover back on, using a Non Contact Voltage Tester, and show the customer that it’s working properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

We operate 24/7 so no matter what day or time it is, our team can come to your home quickly and make any repairs necessary within a short time frame.

If you’re confident with your technical skills, you can perform basic DIY fixes and installations. In general, it is always advisable to leave it to the professionals due to the risks involved if you are not 100% sure about what you are doing.

General maintenance will include installation and repair of wiring, switches, power outlets, electrical fixtures, and power supply tripping and shutdown repairs.

The simplest way is to switch off lights, appliances, and other equipment when not in use. Periodically servicing your AC units and installing a smart thermostat can also reduce your bills dramatically. So is replacing fluorescent lights with LED lights. Our engineers can give out specific recommendations on-site.

A short circuit is a fault in the wiring that causes the circuit breaker to trip, often caused by an overloaded circuit, a short circuit, or loose wiring. If left unchecked, this can lead to a range of problems, including appliance damage, electrical shock, or even fire.

To avoid any major damage, it is best to not use the appliance until the cause of the issue is known. It could be due to the appliance itself or faulty wiring. It is best to contact a professional who can properly diagnose the issue and identify the root cause.

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